DANGEROUS GROUND creates multimedia theatre. With each production it seeks to discover the nomadic region where bodies, images, sounds and words collide and where the theatrical space is the limit of utmost danger. The company was founded in May 2001 by director Doris Mirescu. Permanent members are David Bianco, Kira Davies, Penny Folger, Patrick Flynn, Gayle Greene, Emilie Gruat, Mark Lechner, Bree Merkwan, Marshall Miller, Francis Oberle and Florin Penisoara. Dangerous Ground has created multimedia works in New York City and abroad, including 8≠1, a multimedia adaptation of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's 1972 eight hour long tv series Acht Stunden sind kein Tag performed in a Swiss abandoned factory, S. a live cinema event based on Andrei Tarkovsky's 1972 film Solaris (Site Specific- Upper West Side), Paris Belongs to Us, a mutlimedia adaptation of Jacques Rivette's 1958 film (The Brick) and L'Amour Fou, a mutlimedia adaptation of Jacques Rivette's 1969 film (The Brick), ...But the Next Morning(based on Jacques Rivette's 1974 film Céline and Julie go Boating), It's Too Late (based on Jean Eustache's film The Mother and The Whore), John Cassavetes’ Husbands, Fassbinder’s In a Year with 13 Moons ( From Dawn till Night), Beware of A Holy Whore and The Third Generation (3!), Bertolucci’s Last Tango in Paris, as well as Maurice Blanchot’s Madness of Day, Neil LaBute’s The Distance from Here and Koltès’ Battle of Black and Dogs.